Welcome to week one of the
Thrift Store Costume Challenge. I've included notes on how I put each costume together and how people reacted, but if you're not in the mood to read all that feel free to just scroll through and look at the pictures.
Costume Theme #1: Tacky Tourist
First costume out of the gate, and it's a pretty easy one. I already had a Hawaiian shirt and a pair of baggy cargo shorts, not to mention sunglasses. I borrowed some leis from my Mom's costume bins, then wore some long socks with crocs (she said as if she didn't perpetrate that crime against fashion on a regular basis). I would've worn socks with sandals, but company policy requires close-toed shoes for safety reasons. I guess losing my toes would make my day a little less pleasant. The pasty ugly tourist knees are 100% natural.
My brother, who has been working at the same thrift store as a summer job until school starts up again, also dressed up, though I think he pulled the look off better than I did. He even adopted a Minnesotan accent for the entire day, which was pretty funny.

We used some white creme makeup (the kind that always hits stores around Halloween) to do the sunscreen on our noses. Which came with an unfortunate surprise for me-- the "creme" was very runny and watery, more so than you'd expect. And it smelled kind of funny. That was when I realized that the bottle I'd managed to dig up was over ten years old. So... ew? And a bit of a problem-- while the runny texture was perfect for imitating sunblock (I had a manager ask me if it really was sunblock), I've got some more makeup intensive costumes later on that need better than this. (Also, who knew what kind of bacteria had grown in there). So, on day one of the challenge, I broke the rules and spent a few bucks on costume makeup. I know, I know, I feel bad, but I kept it under $10 so it's at least close to my original plan. Still, it didn't exactly bode well for the challenge that I found myself breaking the rules on the very first day.
Time: 10 minutes, but only because I was trying something new with my hair
Reaction from co-workers: Other than my brother and I, only two employees dressed up. And, other than the one manager who asked about the sunblock (mainly because the makeup she used on her nose peeled off by 9am), no one said anything about it
Reaction from customers: Nothing. I might as well have been wearing my regular uniform. My brother, on the other hand, got several comments and a few odd looks-- again, he wore the look way better than I did.
Would I actually wear this for Halloween: Nah, it's kind of boring. Even if I'm in a hurry, I can do better than this.
Most Appropriate Halloween Song:
Tiki God, by Presidents of the United States of America (contains a little bad language, sorry)
Costume Theme #2: Despicable Me
I wasn't looking forward to this one. I genuinely loved Despicable Me (haven't seen the sequels yet), but minions have been overused to the point of being driven into the ground-- but that was the only costume for the theme I really could do with what I had and so little time to prepare.
That being said, I actually really enjoyed this one. It was a fun costume to wear.
Pretty simple costume--blue jeans, a yellow t-shirt, my old air-walks (the poor woman's converse), and a pair of black gloves. The goggles are aviator goggles that I got on ebay for a costume several years ago.
Time: 5 minutes, if that
Reaction from co-workers: Well, a few people started laughing and pointing when they saw me, which I'm choosing to take as a good reaction. There were five or six people dressed up-- mostly as minions, but there were a couple of other characters (and stuffed animals) represented.
Reaction from customers: Nothing. Obviously it takes more than a set of goggles to impress customers, because no one acted like I was dressed like anything out of the ordinary.
Would I actually wear this for Halloween: Not for my main costume, probably, but this could be fun if I was going to a party with a group of friends dressed in the same theme. It's definitely a good last minute costume. If I did do this again, I would add a pair of suspenders.
Most Appropriate Halloween Song: Well,
Happy by Pharrell Williams is the obvious choice, but it's not really a Halloween song. Hm... supervillains with minions... Gotta be
Skullcrusher Mountain, by Jonathan Coultran.
Costume Theme #3: Biker/Rocker
NOW we're talking.
My airwalks make another appearance, along with jeans and a black t-shirt. The vest came from my Mom's costume bin, I'm pretty sure she made it, though I added some pins as extra decoration. I borrowed a guitar hero controller from the toy section for the photo. Oh, and I'm wearing a bunch of those wrist bands that were really popular when I was in High School. Knew I kept those for a reason. (They'd probably look less rebellious if you looked close enough to see that half of them have some kind of scripture reference on them...) Add a bandanna and you've got an outfit, though the clothes are only half the costume.
I used some teasing and hair spray to try to get my hair bigger for that rockstar look, but it didn't really take. Partly that's probably an issue of skill and not enough hair products, but partly it's just the fact that my hair is so very long and heavy. Still, this is about as floofy as my hair gets.
I put on a base of sparkly white eye-shadow (though that wore off pretty quick over the course of the day), then drew in the shapes with eyeliner. I used black eye-shadow and purple lipstick to fill in the shapes, did purple eye-shadow on my other eye, and then did plenty of eyeliner and mascara. I finished off with some black lipstick-- which, it looks OK, but I kind of wish I'd sprung for some quality black lipstick from Hot Topic or something. The costume black lipstick we sell at the thrift store is kind of weak, and the tube barely has enough lipstick to get me through to Halloween. Oh well, it was cheap, and you get what you pay for.
Time: An hour and a half, but it would take much less time for someone with shorter hair
Reactions from co-workers: Only one other person dressed up, and nothing so elaborate, so I got a lot of attention and compliments. One guy kept shouting "Freebird!" every-time I walked past the production line. A couple of people said that they didn't recognize me until they saw my name badge. One woman told me that this look on me is pretty sexy (??? um... thanks?). My coworkers questionable taste aside, I think it went over pretty well.
Reaction from Customers: Maaaaybe I got a couple of extra smiles? Maybe? Sheesh, this is a tough crowd. I guess for the average thrift store shopper, you get to the point where you've
seen everything and getting directions on where to find men's ties from someone who looks like a cheap KISS knockoff doesn't rate as much as a raised eyebrow. (My dad pointed out that just because people aren't visibly reacting doesn't mean they aren't noticing my costumes. True-- but I'm an attention seeker, I want to notice them noticing!) I am not dissuaded, however; maybe it'll take a few weeks, but I will come up with a costume that can't be so easily ignored. Mua-ha-ha.
Would I actually wear this for Halloween: Heck yeah, I had a blast with this outfit. The only downside was that it got really warm (that vest doesn't breathe well and floofy hair means hair that's always getting in your face), so I'd prefer to wear this when the weather is a little cooler.
Most Appropriate Halloween Song: Toughie, but I think I'll go with
Black Magic Woman, by Carlos Santana
So there's the first week down.
I have to say I'm a little disappointed-- the managers hyped this up so much in advance that I thought more people would be dressing up, but it's been kind of pitiful so far. My brother has reminded me that I shouldn't complain since less costumes on other employees improves my chances of winning something in the drawing, but I still think this would be more fun if everyone was coming in costume. Oh, well, I'm sure more people will dress up as we get closer to Halloween.
Here's hoping, in the meantime, to some cooler weather this fall so I can survive wearing long sleeves as part of my upcoming costumes.