Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Preparedness Adventures: Canned Bread

The background of the story goes thus: My sister and brother in law had a party at their place, which I attended. While there, someone noticed their unusual food storage item on display on a shelf--a can of bread. No, really. Raisin bread, even. Just in case you have a bread emergency?
I think Steph said they got it in a White Elephant gift exchange. 
Well, someone dared my brother-in-law to open it, and the rest is best shared in pictures.

 We investigated the information on the label, and discovered that this is only one of many logical preparedness choices for the discerning survivalist made by this company--well, OK, they also have beans in a jar and that's about it, but apparently the ingredients are all natural!

My brother-in-law said that it was better with milk.Tasted like raisin bran that way.

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