Sunday, September 13, 2020

Quarantine Craft: Book Nook

 Well, this update took a bit longer to come than expected, mainly for the reason that I got a new job.

But I'm going to tell you that story a different time. Today I'm going to show you how I spent approximately a month of my unemployed summer-- making this:

Some of you may have noticed a popular recent trend that's been popping up all over the internet-- "Book Nooks", or little shelf insert dioramas you put on your bookshelf. The idea is to make it seem like there's a little world inside your bookshelf. Many of them are beautiful and elaborate, made with the skills of experienced dollhouse and model makers-- and completely enchanting. As I am not a dollhouse maker, a model maker, or possessing of an extra $300 or so to purchase one made by such an artist online, I was content to admire from afar. Do a quick search on Google, Etsy, or YouTube and you can find plenty of amazing examples to do just that!

But I really did need some kind of INDOOR adventure to survive the long period of this summer that I spent not leaving my house. After I saw one of my favorite vintage vloggers, Rachel Maksy, make one out of mostly clay, foam, and paint -- well, that actually seemed doable for me (who has NO experience with dollhouses and model making) so I decided I'd give it a try. This post is going to go through the step by step process I went through to make it, in case you're interested-- or just skip to the end if you want to see more shots of the finished results.